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“Need for Broader Analytic Frameworks for Real Diversity Development"

“Need for Broader Analytic Frameworks for Real Diversity Development -
An analysis of Ardila-Pineda’s Un Mar de Fueguitos”
by Diego Barbosa-Vásquez

Research for:

- Music Theory Doctoral Minor, Jacobs School of Music


Music Theory as an artistic/science has been allowing the understanding of music and its development in multiple areas. The role of Music Theory is fundamental for the development of the Music field (art and industry). However, Music Theory developments have been influencing the development of only certain kinds of styles. Its historically limited frameworks focused on pitch and structure analysis (in European concepts and values) has been influenced the field to appreciate pieces only when they have complexities or developments in those areas. That puts multiple very valuable pieces, traditions, and styles under “no valuable categories” creating a very undiversified field. With a more in depth analysis of Ardila-Pineda’s Un Mar de Fueguitos that include analysis outside standard pitch and structure centered frameworks, the present paper shows how a deep Music Theory analysis with more varied frameworks could create a more holistic understanding of a piece. An understanding that is translated into real broadcasting of the values of a piece. A way of thinking, theorizing, and performing music that could create and encourage more diversity in the music field, by becoming more aware of much more complexities than only pitch and structures.


To access the Score: Click Here!

To Listen to a MIDI Version while the Recording Becomes Available: Click Here!

*All the Rights of the Score and the Music are on Raul Esteban Ardila-Pineda names. The present score and MIDI online publication was authorized by the composer only for research and study purposes. For parts and performances licenses please contact directly the composer at:


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