“Need for Broader Analytic Frameworks for Real Diversity Development"
“Need for Broader Analytic Frameworks for Real Diversity Development - An analysis of Ardila-Pineda’s Un Mar de Fueguitos” by Diego...

Ostrom Workshop - Opera Sustainability Podcast
Produced by - www.barbosavasquez.com/academic - Ostrom Workshop / Governance Roundtable of the Ostrom Workshop (GROW) *Economic Nobel...

TheACO Records Their First Hollywood Film Music
Collaboration with LA-based film director Ruth Du and the Film Scoring and Recording Engineering Departments of Indiana University, The...

Leading Orchestras in an Online Setting - Indiana University 2020 Conference
Maestro Barbosa-Vásquez will be sharing the insides of the interdisciplinary leadership strategies that he used to be successful led two...

Multicultural Characteristic of the American Identity in Classical Music
Versión en Español: Click Aquí - Analisys for the Conversation about American Identity in Classical Music organized by Indiana University...

American Identity in the Classical Music
Barbosa-Vásquez is invited along with other outstanding leaders of the American Music Industry for an event hosted by Indiana University...

Call for Scores 2020 TheACO (The Americas Chamber Orchestra)
Maestro Barbosa-Vásquez's commitment to supporting new music is unmistakable. With several premieres under his baton, this commitment al