Opera by and for the Community: Collaborative Arts Summer Camp 2022
This is the story about how we created “harmony and peace” in Los Angeles County society with Arts practice.

“Folkloric or Popular Music” Influences in the Opera
Abstract As an art and entertainment, Opera aims to be as close as possible to the people. It is precisely the reason to merge music,...

Ostrom Workshop - Opera Sustainability Podcast
Produced by - www.barbosavasquez.com/academic - Ostrom Workshop / Governance Roundtable of the Ostrom Workshop (GROW) *Economic Nobel...

Opera Sustainability: Through Multilevel-Apprenticeship Programs at Opera Companies
Research in process for: - www.barbosavasquez.com/academic - Ostrom Workshop - Research Series (Economic Nobel Prize Winners experts in...

Multilevel Music Construction at Different Renowned Operas
Research for: - www.barbosavasquez.com/academic - Partial Fulfillment of Doctor in Music Degree at Indiana University - JSoM / Major in...

Performing Arts Sustainability - Artistic, Financial, Social, and Ecological Dimensions
"Framing Performing Arts Enterprises as Cultural Commons allows a broader understanding of their full complexities, their benefits to...

Opera in a New Era: Barber of Seville by IU 2020 - A Production Chronicle by Diego Barbosa-Vásquez
Kevin Murphy – Conductor Michael Shell – Director Trevor Regars - Stage Manager Diego Barbosa-Vásquez - Assistant/Cover Conductor *Para...

A Viable Opera - Leadership at Opera Companies
Artistic Development serving a strong Community Growth and supported by clear Financial Goals Para Versión en Español: Click Aquí Produce...

Mini Concert Series (Summer 2020) - TheACO
Mini Concert Series (Summer 2020) The Americas Chamber Orchestra Diego Barbosa-Vásquez / Music Director The Mini-Concerts Series[1] was a...

Multicultural Characteristic of the American Identity in Classical Music
Versión en Español: Click Aquí - Analisys for the Conversation about American Identity in Classical Music organized by Indiana University...